===== Midnight Commander MC ===== ==== Shortcuts ==== ^ List of shortcut keysShortcut ^ Command ^ ^ Common Functions || | Ctrl + r | Refresh active panel | | Ctrl + x c | Opens chmod dialog for marked file | | Ctrl + x o | Opens chown dialog for marked file | | Alt + ? | Opens search dialog | | Ctrl-x a | Open VFS list. If a ftp session times out, you can use this to free the open vfs so you can log in again | ^ Panel Functions || | TAB | Switch focus between left and right panel | | Insert | Marks or removes mark on file(s) | | Alt + g | Marks first file or directory in active panel | | Alt + r | Marks middle file or directory in active panel | | Alt + j | Marks last file or directory in active panel | | Alt + s | Incremental search | | Ctrl + / | Look for filename given in last line of active panel (not whole screen), and jumps on first file | | * | Marks removes marking for all files in active panel (not directories) | | + (Plus) | Brings up the input box where it can be given regular expression. All files with names that fill condition(s) in regular expression will be marked. | | \ (Backslash) | Remove marking for more data (opposite to + ) | ^ Shell Functions || | Alt + Enter | Copies selected filename in command line | | Ctrl + Shft + Enter | Copies full path of selected file in the command line | | Alt + H | Shows command line history | ^ Function Keys || | F1 | Help | | F2 | Opens user menu | | F3 | View selected file content | | F4 | Opens file in internal text editor | | F5 | Copies selected file. Default is to another panel, but it asks first. | | F6 | Moving file. Default is to another panel, but it asks first. | | F7 | Make directory. | | F8 | Delete file or directory. | | F9 | Opens main menu at the top of the screen. | | F10 | Ends current action; editor, viewer, dialog window or ends mc program | ==== für mich wichtige Einstellungen unter ''.mc/ini'' ==== [Midnight-Commander] use_internal_view=1 use_internal_edit=1 clear_before_exec=1 confirm_delete=1 confirm_overwrite=1 confirm_execute=1 confirm_exit=1 editor_word_wrap_line_length=72 editor_tab_spacing=3 editor_fill_tabs_with_spaces=0 editor_return_does_auto_indent=0 editor_backspace_through_tabs=0 editor_option_save_position=1 editor_edit_confirm_save=1 editor_syntax_highlighting=1 editor_cursor_beyond_eol=0 editor_visible_tabs=0 editor_visible_spaces=0 editor_check_new_line=1 [Colors] base_color=normal=white,default:selected=blue,white:marked=yellow,default:markselect=yellow,gray:menu=brightgreen,default:menuhot=cyan,default:menusel=white,blue:menuhotsel=cyan,default:dnormal=brightgreen,default:dfocus=brightgreen,gray:dhotnormal=cyan,default:dhotfocus=brightcyan,gray:executable=brightgreen,default:directory=blue,blue:link=cyan,default:stalelink=red,defaultdevice=brightmagenta,default:special=lightgray,default:editnormal=lightgray,default:editbold=blue,default:editmarked=blue,lightgray:errors=red,lightgray:input=white,gray:reverse=green,default:gauge=brightgreen,lightgray xterm= color_terminals= Für Syntax Highlighting bei Shell Skripten oder HTML Dateien ist die Datei ''/etc/mc/filehighlight.ini'' mit folgendem Inhalt wichtig: [executable] type=FILE_EXE [directory] type=DIR [device] type=DEVICE [special] type=SPECIAL [stalelink] type=STALE_LINK [symlink] type=SYMLINK [core] regexp=^core\\.*\\d*$ [temp] extensions=tmp;$$$;~;bak extensions_case=false regexp=(^#.*|.*~$) [archive] extensions=gz;bz2;tar;tgz;rpm;Z;rar;zip;arj;cab;lzh;lha;zoo;arc;ark;xz;tbz;tbz2; [doc] extensions=txt;doc;rtf;diz;ctl;me;ps;pdf;xml;xsd;xslt;dtd;html;shtml;htm;mail;msg;lsm;po;nroff;man;tex;sgml;css;text;letter;chm [source] extensions=c;h;cc;hh;cpp;cxx;hpp;asm;py;pl;pm;inc;cgi;php;phps;js;java;jav;jasm;sh;bash;diff;patch;pas;tcl;tk;awk;m4;st;mak;sl;ada;caml;ml;mli;mly;mll;mlp;sas;prg;hs;hi;erl [media] extensions=mp2;mp3;mpg;ogg;mpeg;wav;avi;asf;mov;mol;mpl;xm;mod;it;med;mid;midi;s3m;umx;vob;mkv;flv;mp4;m3u [graph] extensions=jpg;jpeg;gif;png;tif;pcx;bmp;xpm;xbm;eps;pic;rle;ico;wmf;omf;ai;cdr [database] extensions=dbf;mdn;db;mdb;dat;fox;dbx;mdx;sql;mssql;msql;ssql;pgsql;xls;cdx;dbi